37,887 Verified 5-star reviews

Studiato per supportare la salute digestiva, migliorare l'assorbimento dei nutrienti e sostenere il benessere complessivo.

La nostra formula favorisce il tuo regime intestinale quotidiano grazie all'alto contenuto di fibre e ceppi probiotici in modo 100% naturale.

*Una confezione, una dose al giorno, per 40 giorni*

Acquista Ora
  • Supports mental performance
  • Bolsters energy levels
  • Supports your immune system
  • Contains gut-friendly bacteria and fibre
  • Backed by research
  • Top rated taste

Il MASSIMO in ogni cucchiaio

I nostri scienziati hanno selezionato con cura gli ingredienti in forme altamente assimilabili dal corpo ed analizzato come lavorano insieme per amplificare la loro efficacia.

Semi di Psillio

Per migliorare la digestione e ridurre i sintomi di disturbi digestivi.

Una digestione migliore. E 100% Naturale

Lo Psillio supporta la digestione e mantiene pulito l'intestino grazie all'elevato contenuto di fibre al suo interno


“Non posso credere quanto questa formula abbia migliorato la mia salute intestinale!”

Semi di Lino

Per facilitare il transito intestinale e ridurre la stitichezza.


Favoriscono la regolarità del transito intestinale grazie all'azione emolliente e lenitiva sul sistema digerente.


“Ho iniziato a prendere questo integratore per mantenere il mio intestino in buona salute e mi ha sorpreso positivamente”

Batteri, quelli buoni

Support your heart and the formation and maintenance of red blood cells.

High quality ingredients for a healthy heart

Thiamine and B vitamins bolster heart health - essential to both physical performance, and quality of life.

AG1 has been a game-changer

"Even on the most hectic mornings with a toddler I'm now ready to tackle whatever comes my way."

Immune defence

You feel strong and nourished thanks to AG1’s essential nutrients that support a healthy immune system.

Everyday immune support

Vitamin C, zinc and selenium work together to support the normal function of the immune system.

Love it!

“Love the support to my immune system. Awesome!”

Get started with your AG1 Welcome Kit**

  • AG1 Pouch 30 day supply per pouch, ships every 30 days €87/mo
  • Welcome Kit AG1 Shaker, Scoop, and Canister €28Free
  • AG1 Travel Packs (5 count) 5 individual servings €17Free
  • Vitamin D3+K2 Drops 1-Year Supply €24Free
  • Total €156€87/mo
Buy Now Update or cancel anytime Free Shipping

Researched. Studied. Continuously Improved.

In a single-arm study that assessed the self-perceived efficacy of AG1, participants reported feeling positive impacts on energy, mental performance, and skin health.†


97% of participants felt sustained energy†

100% of participants felt AG1 was easy to incorporate into their routine


91% of participants saw clear skin†

97% noticed less cravings during the day†

See Our Research

†Data on file, 2023. The above results may be attributed to the following ingredients and health effects: B vitamins and phosphorus contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolism. Zinc contributes to normal carbohydrate metabolism. Pantothenic acid contributes to normal mental performance. Vitamin A and biotin contribute to the maintenance of normal skin. Chromium contributes to the maintenance of normal blood glucose levels. Participants felt that they prefer to eat healthy and avoid unhealthy habits when they implemented AG1 into their daily routine.

  • Mix one scoop of AG1

  • With 250ml of cold water

  • Shake

  • Enjoy the refreshing taste of pineapple and vanilla

We set the bar for quality

We follow the latest from science and industry experts to continuously ensure AG1 works best with your body.

Driven by science. Backed by research. 

Driven by science. Backed by research. 

Driven by science. Backed by research. 

Driven by science. Backed by research.

70 More than 70 intentionally curated ingredients

52 Iterations and counting

We set the bar for quality

We set the bar for quality

Collapsible row

Collapsible row

Collapsible row

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Collapsible row


How do I know if AG1 is right for me?

AG1 is great for anyone who wants to ensure their nutritional needs are met on a daily basis. Whether you are looking to overcome nutrient deficiencies or are training hard or traveling frequently, AG1 provides nutritional support when you need it most. AG1 is suitable for adults of all ages and lifestyles, including athletes and those following specialty diets. Not suitable for children and adolescents under 18 years, pregnant or breastfeeding women.

When should I expect to see benefits?

Many different factors can influence how AG1 affects you. These include how you take it, the consistency of your routine, and your health prior to starting AG1. Your diet and lifestyle all impact how soon you’ll see AG1's benefits and how noticeable they’ll be. Some customers notice improvements in as little as a few days, and for others, it can take as long as a few weeks. We're all different, so our bodies will react uniquely to AG1.

What kind of benefits can I expect from taking AG1?

AG1 supports mental performance, energy, heart health and the immune system. At AG1, we understand that everyone has a unique health history and reacts differently to various nutrients. AG1 is the original Foundational Nutrition drink and was designed as a comprehensive formula to provide daily support where the body needs it most. Many members report feeling sustained energy and fewer cravings over the course of the first month or so. Other common benefits include healthy skin, healthy hair and nail growth, good concentration, and supporting recovery after physical activity.

How does AG1 taste?

AG1’s fans praise its pleasant, healthy taste, and we’ve spent years perfecting the flavour. AG1’s flavour is naturally essenced with vanilla and pineapple, and picks up some of its taste from the fruits and vegetables in the blend including papaya, broccoli, cherry, carrot, and the subtle sweetness of stevia—all without artificial flavoring, sweeteners, and additives. No compromises.